Online commerce is seen as the essential element for many companies in the short term. Companies have launched to conquer the online medium, but without stopping to listen to the needs of their customers and find out what they expect from them on the internet.
Camgemini study conducted globally from 18 countries, aims to show the concerns and expectations of consumers, and their perception of how they should behave companies in the online environment.
Thus, 66% of consumers 18 thousand participants in the study expected in the next 3 years, the number of online orders increase. In the same proportion, respondents opt for delivery directly from the manufacturer.
Today, traditional stores are those recorded most of the transactions, although it should be noted that the Internet acts as the preferred medium for information, as well as offers and promotions. Meanwhile, stores also act as a showcase and a half to find the product physically (48%).
Although only 14% of consumers surveyed believe that physical stores will become less important, it is true that online stores charge prominence. More than half of respondents (51%) plans, in the future, spend more on online stores.
The price remains a determining factor for promoting online purchases. 70% of respondents believe that online, the products should be cheaper than physical stores.
On the other hand, the influence of mobile devices in the process of buying in the store will continue to increase (53%). Half of consumers also said that the development and use of mobile apps will also increase, both in the case of branded apps, as retailers or third parties. It is also optimistic about the momentum of social shopping (47%).
The user experience is a key element. In the era of Big Data, companies have to gain the trust of their clients, and demonstrate responsible use of their information. Only half of consumers believe that their favorite stores makes proper use of your data.
It is true that customers begin to admit that, inevitably, their online exposure involves recording and tracking information. Therefore they expect companies to act accordingly, and compensate in some way to consumers in the form of economic incentives, and working to improve your user experience.
1 in 3 expressed doubts about the use and exploitation that companies make their information. In addition, 1 in 4 does not expect retailers worry about offering a personalized experience. In the case of Social Media, 1 in 3 it is not satisfied with the use of this data in social networks.