One day you discover, with the help of your monitoring tools, that a user has downloaded all his anger against your brand, in the form of negative reviews about your product. Suddenly your pulse is accelerating, your heart pumping at a frenetic pace and your breath stops. What should you do?
Do not panic. Do not let nerves stop you from acting properly. Stop thinking, evaluate the situation and possible solutions. Check all derogatory comments and analyze the possible causes of your discomfort.
Discover your adversary Who is the complainant? To find out, the internet is the ideal source of information. Track the online medium looking for this person, find out if he has a presence in social networks, Knows all possible details about his personality through his profiles. Find out who you are, what you are engaged in, your likes and dislikes, what power you have at the media level and what motives may have led to your reputation online.
The sooner you respond, the better. Do not let the fire spread. Take letters on the matter and contact the user; Uses the most direct and effective means possible. To increase the chances that you receive your response, you can use more than one communication channel; Do not discard email
Act in the first person, that your answer is not sound or automatic. Forget the “We have registered your request, we will respond to your request shortly” message. This type of response can have the opposite effect, giving the image that the company does not have an effective customer service, and even that does not value the opinion of its users.
Do not make a drama of this; Keep in mind that a complaint is an opportunity to approach the client, to establish a conversation from you to you. It also tries to establish direct contact with the recipient, using a means that facilitates the agility of the conversation.
Do not defend yourself by attacking, you should always be friendly. It adopts a conciliatory attitude, open to dialogue. Worry about the problem of the person concerned, ask him to tell you in detail the reason for your complaint, and what your request. In many cases it is no more than a wake-up call by customers, who demand a more personalized service, a greater concern on the part of the company.
Do not give the show, try to take the case in a private setting. If the subject has media significance, punctually issues the appropriate statements, but do not retransmit live the whole encounter.
Solve the problem, or at least show that you do everything possible to improve your situation. Sometimes, the problem that the client has a difficult solution or not depends on the company. But this must always give the face, get the client to understand that his request is not viable or explain in detail the reasons that prevent the grant that he demands. Faced with a reasoned answer, It is normal for the customer to be convinced.
Compensate for the inconvenience caused. It is essential that you get involved to achieve customer satisfaction. Attempts to mitigate the effect of damages caused with a detail or incentive; Something elegant, that the user conceives as high value, but that does not sound like buying his silence.
Never lose your composure. If you lose the forms and you show that the situation surpasses you, you will show signs of weakness, which will encourage your opponent to redouble his efforts to go ahead and sink the online reputation of your company.
It always gives transparency. Once the issue has been resolved, you can publish the findings and openly show the outcome of the negotiation, That you have managed to take the waters to its channel and to gain the fidelity of a client. After a reasonable amount of time, be publicly interested in your degree of satisfaction, or some aspect related to the solution provided.
A negative complaint or comment does not have to end your online reputation, but you do need to know how to manage it and get out of the situation. Above all, assertiveness and great doses of patience.