What is a habit? You ask! The answer is simple; it is the repetition of a given point in time behavior. The habit is associated with doing something automatically, in most cases, unconsciously. There are habits that are beneficial to us; thank you, brush your teeth after eating, etc., however, there are other harmful because they can damage our physical and mental health; not recommended to eat foods, smoking, negative thinking, etc.
Ideally, it would be able to choose each behavior consciously, does not it? However, many habits start by accident or imitation shape, and incorporated them into our routine and the conducted automatically.
Deciding to quit smoking, give up coffee, etc. It is a difficult decision and that the focus on this practice ends blinding us. It is like when you go down a road and you will encroach for a place that does not convince you, advance and advance further, until it becomes increasingly difficult to turn around.
The good news is that habits can be changed!
Through habits, our brain is programmed to act on autopilot, in the comfort and routine. Therefore, we act repeatedly, without creativity. In studies shows that healthy habits change, however small they may be, it allows us to get away from it becoming a reactive motor skills and increased self-esteem.
You just have to know how to generate new behaviors for inclusion in our routine. When we make a new behavior, it causes a response in the hippocampus and repetition generates a new neural path until it automates.
However, what steps, practically, they can help create a new habit?
Not that hard, especially if you follow these tips:
1 – First identify the harmful habit you want to stop, realize the inappropriate habit. You might want to stop smoking, cutting sweets between meals, etc.
2 – Identify triggers habit you want to banish. The bad habit do you shoot in certain situations, when you are in company or alone. E.g. Takes more coffee when you feel bored, stressed, etc.
3 – Define the new habit you want to start. If you want to quit, you have to decide that another substitute habit going to perform when the urge to light that cigarette after eating soar. For example, take a warm green tea and take a ten-minute walk consciously breathing.
4 – Imagine yourself doing the new habit. If you cannot even imagine doing the change you propose, it will be hard to make it. All change starts on the mind therefore visualize yourself: where do you start, as they develop, which produces sensations you…? In addition, be committed to strengthening this new behavior.
5 – Meditate on the benefit of making this new habit for you and your environment. (Note: Make sure a habit you want to change you and not a desire for a third party).
6 – Notice the progress you make even small and reconsideration. Consciously celebrate the achievements provides an increase of dopamine in the brain (neurotransmitter associated with pleasure), which results in a feeling of confidence, boosts energy and recharge the batteries of the will. Our brains are designed to minimize risk and maximize reward. Therefore, if you teach your brain that a new action results in a gain, you will encourage seeking the reward, more and more.
7 – Practice, practice, and practice the new behavior will create a new connection in the brain hippocampus, until automate and operate unconsciously.
Above all, decide to change to be better!