During these turbulent financial times, starting up a business of your own can be considered a huge risk. But for many people they are doing just that – a long lived dream for most, setting up your own business is not for the faint hearted – particularly setting up your own restaurant!
It can be stressful, exhausting and a huge worry financially, but if you make it through the first couple of years, the rewards of your hard work start to pay off.
Setting up a restaurant in these troubled times is of course going to be a challenge – you will need to factor in additional things such as how you will maintain social distancing in the restaurant, how you will utilise technology – such as setting up an online payment gateway from sentient-group and will you be able to offer a takeaway service to keep your business running if there is another lockdown.
But despite this, if you do it right, you have the ability to succeed and to get a loyal customer following which is crucial.
Branding and marketing are so important when you are setting up a restaurant – no matter how nice your food is, if you haven’t got the branding right you will not be as successful as you could be.
The aim of successful branding is to let your customers know that they can recognise you and your brand – a great example of this is McDonalds who have done a great job of building a brand which is now globally recognisable – wherever you are in the world, you know what the golden arches mean!