Modern businesses are having to face up to the fact that it is not enough to present themselves online via a website alone. Although with Cheltenham website designers like MA Design available, building a modern, impactful site is easier and more affordable than ever.
A website remains the most important component in the engine of digital enterprise, but attaining increased visibility relies on additional platforms. And in a mobile-oriented world, social media is becoming more powerful by the day.
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There is evidence that social media is not the magic bullet for link building that some have claimed, with a recent BuzzSumo study finding that it is very hard for the vast majority of content to generate shares and links organically.
So are social media and SEO destined to sit in separate camps, or are they two sides of the same coin that can partner up to achieve a common goal?
Building Momentum
For modern businesses that want to build links without dabbling in the questionable practices of the past, creating content that is relevant and shareable is important, not only in the short term but because it ultimately gives subsequent posts a better chance of attaining even more coverage. But as the aforementioned study suggests, social media are not necessarily going to result in lots of links pointing to your site.
Instead experts suggest that it is better to consider the need to create content which is not just shareable on an impulse, perhaps as a result of an eye-catching headline or controversial topic, but content which is able to engage users, reduce bounce rates and include a call to action that helps a business to grow its user base. This is where the real SEO benefits lie and where specialists at can help.
Sticking Around
Of course it is worth remembering that taking rash actions in terms of SEO based on trends and changes is not always worthwhile. And although distinguishing a correlation between social shares and link building is tough, this may not always be the case, especially since Google is keen to alter its algorithms and may even revive previously removed features like the authorship markup.
Social media and SEO strategies should complement one another because each should feed into improving the website of a business and engaging visitors more effectively.