Tips to Help you Search for a Job

If you have just finished your education, lost your previous job or returned to work after spending time raising your family, for example, if you are keen to find the job that is right for you, and are struggling with how to go about it, here are some great tips that could help you…

Writing your CV – Most employers want to see a CV, so it’s good to have it ready. There are many useful guides on the Internet that can help you if you are unsure where to start. There are also some things to avoid when writing a CV, such as ensuring that it isn’t too long (it’s meant to be a brief introduction, not your autobiography!) Keep in mind what type of job you will be applying for and what your skills are – and most importantly don’t lie in your CV!

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Think about the qualifications you need – If there is a particular job that you would like to do but you lack the qualifications, look at learning and training programs and courses where you can gain that skill. Some jobs will do a work as you learn program like an NVQ or an apprenticeship, so this could be a great way to get into that line of work, and you will be able to learn on the job, which many people find easier.

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Go to the right places – If you have a specific job or career in mind, try to find the right places to look for it – there are specialised recruitment agencies like this procurement recruitment agency  and you can also call companies or visit them to ask about what they have available. Job fairs are also a useful way to get out and find a job. They will have a wide range of industries in one place, and the benefit of this is that there are people who you can chat to and ask questions. You may stumble across a career that you had never considered by visiting a jobs fair and having an open mind, so if there is one coming up in your area, give it a go!

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