Six important digital marketing questions

Implementing a digital marketing strategy is only the beginning. The next step is to measure its success. If you’re unsure how your strategy is performing, here are some questions to ask.

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1. Is our website working as it should?

Look at whether your site is user-friendly and works well on a smaller screen, along with page loading speed and any technical issues that might be affecting performance. Nowadays, security is a big issue. A breach can be costly, not least because of the reputational damage. Make sure your site complies with the relevant rules.

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2. Is our SEO strategy driving the right traffic to our site?

This doesn’t just mean incorporating relevant keywords. It also means structuring your pages so they rank well and keeping on top of any changes to Google’s algorithms so you don’t get penalised.

3. Is our content up-to-date and relevant?

You need to give visitors a reason to stay on your site. Ensure your website is regularly updated with useful, shareable content that lets potential customers know you are an authority in your niche.

4. Are we tracking key metrics?

This is an important aspect of digital marketing. Aside from obvious metrics such as conversions and bounce rate, there are many other metrics you can track. These include your social media performance, website score and domain authority score. If you don’t have the capacity to track metrics yourself, a digital marketing agency such as can help.

5. Are we outperforming our competitors?

It’s not just understanding your own company’s performance. You also need to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your key competitors. If their website is more user-friendly or they are outranking you for certain keywords, you need to know about it. Likewise, if they’re not exploiting a particular marketing channel, that might create an opportunity for you.

6. What could we do better?

Finally, remember that digital marketing is a constantly evolving process that requires the ability to adapt and improve. Again, by using a digital marketing agency Manchester businesses and those based elsewhere can reap the benefits of a bespoke, flexible online strategy.

If you are going to spend time and resources on a digital marketing strategy, you want to ensure it achieves your desired results. By addressing a few key questions, you can improve your chances of success.

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