Twitter and its new direct messages: What will be the consequences for users and brands?

Twitter reported a change in the configuration of sending private messages (DM) among users, so that from now on it is possible to receive direct messages from any account, regardless of whether we continue or not.

Until now, to send a direct message to a Twitter account, was a prerequisite that the user follow you. With the new amendment, users can enable on your profile settings the possibility of receiving these messages from any account. A change that has not left anyone indifferent, since its consequences affect in several ways:

Twitter and its new direct messages What will be the consequences for users and brandsPositive factors

Improved communication between brand and customer

Now users when they have a problem with a brand or simply need to contact her, why will not proclaim to the four winds his situation, publicly sharing a message that would feel more comfortable if it were privately.The opposite side, the marks will save the usual message “follow me for DM?” And respond directly to customers, saving conversation noise generation and unnecessary messages.

You can create personalized marketing actions on Twitter

Businesses can get Segmented information about your target audience, data that could be exploited to launch privately action aimed specifically at a particular target. This could be the case of a discount campaign for the inhabitants of Madrid, or the exclusive release of a product for the female audience. It would be a way to send a direct message to a targeted audience.

Negative factors

Cause the user to feel invaded her privacy

Remember that this is reaching the most private user environment, therefore, should use this opportunity wisely. It is therefore important to try a personalized message, and mainly focused on their needs.

Spam abuse

Here we understand as unwanted spam anyone message. Therefore, besides the spammers themselves, those dedicated to distribute malware and messages out of place, companies have to assess very carefully the appropriateness of using direct messages to launch actions to users. Thus, those impacts are not related to the interests of users, or too often, far from being well received among the recipients, can cause rejection and thus, a negative attitude toward the brand.

With this initiative, Twitter opens a more direct users to the heart of the door, which is a great advantage, but also a great responsibility. This option, misused, can be a double-edged sword. The brand must always have a clear objective, and to improve the customer experience; which means converting the interests of his client on their own, not pretend otherwise happen.

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