The manual for the reception of workers as a marketing tool

Competitive analysis, benchmarking, market research, social networks and marketing 2.0., Specialized press … many companies dedicate part of their marketing budgets to these important tasks, but … What happens with the internal client?

Suppose the case of a company with 1,200 workers. If we multiply this figure by 5 thinking about a reduced family environment, it gives us the figure of 6,000 people. Suppose, for the low, that these people use some social network (either on the Internet or with their football team or cycling club) and that they share their comments and experiences with an average of 30 close acquaintances, we have the not insignificant figure of 180,000 people or potential customers.


Is it worth worrying about internal marketing? Looking at the national agri-food sector, the answer seems to be negative. Let’s analyze, for example, the manual for welcoming new workers.

For starters, many companies lack this manual and, those that have it, either it is obsolete, (with the layoffs that are currently difficult to keep it updated) or have stopped editing it to “save” in times of crisis ; in the best case, they have one prepared by the Human Resources department without the collaboration of the Marketing Department, which is why the aforementioned manual has a unidepartmental character and does not follow the company’s brand strategy, nor its language of communication or its philosophy, making it difficult for workers to evangelize their acquaintances with the benefits of their company.

What are some of the basic contents that must contain a manual of reception of a worker?

In addition to the introduction with the welcome of the president or general manager who always appears, there are other relevant topics that should not be missing:

  • Presentation of the company and its shareholding structure, especially in large groups.
  • Differentiating features of the company. (And excuse me, but “having a quality product” is not a differentiating feature. Do you know any company director who admits that their products are not “quality”?
  • Mission of the company and objectives.
  • Organization chart with photographs and contact information. (How many times do people in one department not know the other … and if there are several locations, ignorance is still greater)
  • Object of each of the departments that make up the organization chart.
  • Products that are manufactured, their added values ​​and what differentiates them from the products manufactured by the competition.
  • Recommendations on behavior, hygiene habits and clothing. Schedules, vacations, signing, dining room, etc.
  • Brief description of the production process and quality controls. Food safety.
  • Prevention of occupational risks, evacuation and emergency plans.
  • Basic concepts on the Law of Protection of Personal Data.
  • Training.
  • Mailbox of ideas and suggestions.

The collaboration of the Marketing Department in the preparation and updating of the manual for welcoming workers is of particular relevance for the preparation of the sections on presentation of the company, mission of the company, differentiating elements with the competence and description of the products and its key elements. (Which are not other than the sales arguments that the commercial department should use)

In summary, we must never neglect the wording of the manual for welcoming workers, not only as a measure of information and respect for new colleagues, but as a motivational element and as a sales tool to reach those 180,000 potential customers of whom spoke at the beginning of the article.

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